
The announced Renewables Directive demands bio-energy production chains to provide information about the sustainability of bio-mass production. Portolis is working in an EU consortium to analyse the information needs arising from this directive.

Portolis advised different EU member states on the development and use of land parcel information systems for the administration and control of the EU agricultural subsidies. The use of parcel registers is changing under the new rules concerning cross compliance with environmental, nature and water management directives.

In 2008 Portolis is working on different projects involving the use of geo-information in agriculture, in particular in the use of parcel identification and registration. Customers are governments and farmers, both using Geo Information to enhance and improve their processes and daily work. In collaboration with the Wageningen University a project is started to evaluate these user requirements towards geo-information for both type of stakeholders.
In these projects Portolis delivers scientific and professional advice concerning the use of ortho-photography and satellite navigation in parcel information systems.

Conference on Agricultural Policy Implementation and Geo Information (CAPIGI)
8-9 April 2008 - Dublin. Read further on the CAPIGI page.

Portolis developed a community support site for the hydroinformatics domain. Check www.portolis.nl/hydronomy